We sent the following letter to the Mayor and Council Members today.
Dear Council Member,
Since last fall, Wheel Deal supporters have made the case for a November transportation measure featuring Orange and Blue light rail, ambitious bus service expansion, a historic active transportation investment, as well as funding for land acquisition and transit-oriented affordable housing near stations.
We are excited about the emerging consensus around these priorities at Council. We are writing to reiterate our support for the following items being placed on the November ballot:
At least an 8.5 cent TRE
Clear language requiring the Republic Square to North Lamar Transit Center segment as part of the initial rail line
At least $200 million in anti-displacement funding (land acquisition/below-market housing construction)
A historic active transportation investment
While there is much political uncertainty given the current pandemic and recession, we are confident that such a package would energize and mobilize a broad set of active citizens and community leaders. The abundant set of transportation choices such a package provides would facilitate making compelling arguments in every part of town, to Austinites in every phase of life.
Julio Gonzalez Altamirano, Susan Somers, Chito Vela III